キューバ出身のアーティスト"THE DINELSON"によるPRIVILEGE TOKYOでの展示開催に際してLFYTとのスペシャルコラボアイテムが登場。
"THE DINELSON"がアナログ作品を描く前に毎回制作しているデジタル原画をフロントにプリント、
【アーティスト】:Yosmel Diaz Nelson aka Dinelson(ディネルソン)
東京都渋谷区神宮前4-25-1 ライサ1F
03-6804-6471 (11am - 8pm)
【プロフィール/展示テーマ】 :
Yosmel Diaz Nelson aka Dinelsonは1988年10月31日にキューバで生まれ、2015年から現在に至るまで日本に在住。
2018年には7ヶ月間キューバに戻り、コンセプチュアルで現代的なビジュアルアーティストのグループ "EL OTRO ESTUDIO "というアートワークショップのメンバーとなる。
それらの作品の一部は、2021年に都内アートスペース「トラフィック」で開催された個展「FROM THE OTHER ROOM」で展示され、大好評を博しました。
そして年明け早々、ディネルソンがPRIVILEGE TOKYOにて、未公開の作品を展示いたします。
" ME, YOU, ELLAS Y ELLOS"と題された今回の個展は、ディネルソンのメインコンセプトである、社会とその動向を参照しながら、頭の中で考えたことを具現化し、劣化しないように強い色を使って独自のタッチを与え、一方でそのナイーブでどこか皮肉な、政治や社会に対するメッセージが、気づいたら観る者を巻き込むような内容となります。
ME, YOU, ELLAS & ELLOS "は、英語とスペイン語が混ざった言葉で、訳すと「私、あなた、彼ら」。
"ME, YOU, ELLAS Y ELLOS "は、アーティストの視点から見た時、政治的、社会的になりうるコンセプトを持ち、彼の作品を現代、近代、抽象の間へと導き、とりわけフォービズムの要素さえ持っていると言えるでしょう。
Yosmel Diaz Nelson aka Dinelson was born in Cuba on October 31, 1988, and currently lives in Japan since 2015.
He has always been a big admired visual arts, but never had the opportunity to take formal art classes or practice his passion due to the economic difficulties and the shortage of materials that Cuba faces today under the current dictatorial government.
After he arrives in Japan, in 2017, he realized that painting can be the creative path that allows him to express his feelings and convey the social and psychological problems that he experienced and observed inside and outside of his country.
In 2018 he returned to Cuba for seven months where he became a member of an art workshop called "EL OTRO ESTUDIO" made up of a group of conceptual and contemporary visual artists.
Attending exhibitions and being part of the artistic community in Havana, Cuba opened his mind to the possibilities of art as an expression and as a career.
While in Cuba and without access to art materials, he began to make digital sketches on his smartphone, which led him to incorporate digital as another medium for the creation of his artworks.
In seven months, he made more than 150 sketches, which he then planned to turn into paintings or tangible works of art once he returned to Japan.
Thus began the realization of his first portfolio entitled "NICE TO MEET YOU...IS ME" is composed of 21 artworks between acrylic on canvas, acrylic in mixed technique, collage, and marker on canvas.
Parts of the works from that portfolio were exhibited in 2021 at the ART SPACE “TRAFFIC” in a Solo Exhibition called "FROM THE OTHER ROOM", a very successful exhibition.
Now right at the beginning of the year, Dinelson is showing up at PRIVILEGE TOKYO exhibiting some of his paintings and posters of artworks that he has not yet done on canvas.
In this Solo Exhibition under the title "ME, YOU, ELLAS y ELLOS", Dinelson does not leave aside his main concept of using society and its actions as a reference to carry out the ideas that go through his head when executing the work and give it a unique touch with the use of strong colors without having much degradation, on the other hand, its naive and somewhat ironic, political and social style that makes whoever views it gets caught up with the work.
"ME, YOU, ELLAS & ELLOS" is a mix of the English language with Spanish that translated would be ME, YOU and THEY, a name for the exhibition that is based on the search for personal knowledge, the acceptance of ourselves as human beings through the external actions that surround us and sometimes we ignore product of not realizing who we are.
"ME, YOU, ELLAS Y ELLOS" has concepts that can become political and social in a current look from the point of view of the artist, taking his works to a movement between the contemporary, modern, and abstract and it can be said that he has even elements of fauvism among others.
With this exhibition, Dinelson once again clings to make his position in art very clear with the use of himself, society, and his actions, as well as his idealistic way in the composition of the colors and music as a primary concept in the creation of his artworks.